Revenge of the Beast

40,00 lei
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Revenge of the Beast
40,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Diverse

Varsta Recomandata: 8-10 ani, 10-12 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2021

Editura: Farshore

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 288

Ilustrator: Isabelle Follath

Serie: The Beast and the Bethany

Volum Din Serie: 2

ISBN: 9781405298919

Dimensiuni: l: 12.9cm | H: 19.8cm | 270g

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Revenge of the Beast
40,00 lei


'Reads like a modern classic. Sharp, funny, original - I thought this was brilliant', Sam Copeland, bestselling author of Charlie Changes into a Chicken

Once upon a very badly behaved time, 511-year-old Ebenezer kept a beast in his attic. He would feed the beast all manner of objects and creatures and in return the beast would vomit him up expensive presents. But then The Bethany arrived …

Now notorious prankster Bethany, along with her new feathery friend Claudette, is determined that she and Ebenezer are going to DE-BEAST their lives and Do Good. But Bethany finds that being a notorious prankster makes it hard to get taken on for voluntary work. And Ebenezer is secretly missing the beast's vomity gifts. And neither of them are all that sure what 'good people' do anyway …

Then there's Claudette, who's not been feeling herself recently. Has she eaten something that has DISAGREED with her?

The Beast and the Bethany has all the classic macabre humour of Roald Dahl with the warmth and charm of Despicable Me, finished off with a gleeful bite of Little Shop of Horrors!

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